Sunday, November 23, 2008


To try and sum up this experience I have to say....
We are so lucky to live the way we do.
There are millions of people like Granny in South Africa who need help, they are not lazy or irresponsible but do need to be free of poverty so they can make choices and have opportunities to make their life better.

My world has opened up.
My happy bubble I had been living in was burst wide open and I so wanted to go back into my insulated world. India challenged my comfort zone, pushed my boundaries and enlarged my awareness of the world and myself.

I learned about the importance of peace and tranquility in Malaysia and the flow of friendship in Viet Nam.

China and Japan put it all together for me, the importance of community and helping each other. We are all connected on this planet as human beings. The love the poor Indian woman has for her children is as strong as the love I have for my children. We aren’t any different. Lets find things that bring us together not divide us.

Desmund Tutu said it so nicely:
Americans are generous people, why not export your generosity rather than your bombs.
The US can be a compassionate leader, we can win the war on poverty, the people will be with you, but we will never win a war on terror as long as there are conditions that make people desperate.

I have hope for our future and understand thoroughly the importance of helping others less fortunate than ourselves.

All the best to you.

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